My Style
A little behind again on NaBloPoMo. The photo topic of “Your Style” can mean a lot of different things. The first thing that comes to mind is fashion style. But since I just did a post on that a couple of days ago, I tried to think beyond the obvious.
Then I thought “How about photographic style?” since it was the photographic theme. I happen to be taking a SkillShare course on finding my Instagram style, called “Make the Most of Instagram: Build Your Brand.” If you’re interested in finding out more about Skillshare or the course, click here to get a free month.
The project is to curate 9 photos ONLY from your Instagram feed that represents “Your Brand.” While I still shoot whatever catches my eye, I have been more cognizant of what I put up and being extremely careful with editing and preparing photos for presentation. Here is one of my favorites.
Those are not Vermeer paintings on the wall behind the line of patrons. They are framed photographs of Assyrian refugee women, taken, I think, in a refugee camp in Turkey. The portraits are very noble, and I was immediately struck by the chiaroscuro of the lighting. I loved the juxtaposition of the people waiting in line with the portraits. I couldn’t resist taking a pic!
I’m still working on curating the 9. As I shoot more photos I will find my “voice.” I used to think I liked taking portraits, but since I started with Instagram, I find myself drawn more to patterns and architecture. I’ll keep shooting and posting for a while longer before posting my final 9 for the class.
What’s your style? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
Ciao! Paula
*Disclaimer: Please note the link to Skillshare above will generate a credit for both of us as a reward for sharing information about Skillshare. I have taken several courses on Skillshare and find their classes to be well done and a great way to learn a new skill.

May 12 @ 04:39
Paula, that is a good question. I love to shoot so many different things I don’t think of myself as having a style. I have been trying for several months to focus on using my iPhone only for taking photographs, until I feel I have gotten a better mastery. Clouds, sunsets, close ups and black and white are my favorite shots to take. What is important to me is that my photos tell a story. Your photo above does a great job of that.
Photographers evolve. I look at photos I took years ago, compared to what I shoot now, and see how much I have changed. It will be interesting to see where I am a year or two from now. I have also loved watching photographers I follow on Flickr and Instagram evolve and change. The important thing is to keep taking those shots, isn’t it?
May 16 @ 18:41
Hi Cathy-
Yep, gotta keep shooting! I never know what’s going to catch my eye from one day to the next. I think having a “style” isn’t as important as the process of refining your eye to see good shots. That said, sometimes it’s better to enjoy an experience than constantly trying to capture a moment. Sometimes it’s better to put the camera down and take in what’s happening in front of you with both eyes open!