My Style

A little behind again on NaBloPoMo. The photo topic of “Your Style” can mean a lot of different things. The first thing that comes to mind is fashion style. But since I just did a post on that a couple of days ago, I tried to think beyond the obvious.

Then I thought “How about photographic style?” since it was the photographic theme. I happen to be taking a SkillShare course on finding my Instagram style, called “Make the Most of Instagram: Build Your Brand.” If you’re interested in finding out more about Skillshare or the course, click here to get a free month.

The project is to curate 9 photos ONLY from your Instagram feed that represents “Your Brand.” While I still shoot whatever catches my eye, I have been more cognizant of what I put up and being extremely careful with editing and preparing photos for presentation. Here is one of my favorites.

Bagel Line |

Those are not Vermeer paintings on the wall behind the line of patrons. They are framed photographs of Assyrian refugee women, taken, I think, in a refugee camp in Turkey. The portraits are very noble, and I was immediately struck by the chiaroscuro of the lighting. I loved the juxtaposition of the people waiting in line with the portraits. I couldn’t resist taking a pic!

I’m still working on curating the 9. As I shoot more photos I will find my “voice.” I used to think I liked taking portraits, but since I started with Instagram, I find myself drawn more to patterns and architecture. I’ll keep shooting and posting for a while longer before posting my final 9 for the class.

What’s your style? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

Ciao! Paula

*Disclaimer: Please note the link to Skillshare above will generate a credit for both of us as a reward for sharing information about Skillshare. I have taken several courses on Skillshare and find their classes to be well done and a great way to learn a new skill.
