Another photo from my France travels, this one from the Metro in Paris.
What surreal things have you seen on the subway or public transit? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Ciao! Paula
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May 17 @ 18:07
I love this! Graffiti is a great example of surreal. It’s been a while since I have seen any up close, but I remember driving a local road, and seeing a forest scene complete with deer on the side of a building. I thought it was real for a moment, which made it seem surreal when I realized it was a painting.
May 17 @ 19:15
LOL! That would be really weird to feel like you’re suddenly in a forest when your logical brain says you’re not!
BTW, I would love to comment on your blog too, but I’m not sure how. I clicked on “comment”, but nothing happened.