Spring Jacket with Vintage Jewelry

I am participating again in the “How I Wear My” by Adrienne and Jill. This month’s theme is “Spring Jacket.”

Paula Chan Spring Jacket | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

Paula Chan Spring Jacket3 | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

Paula Chan Accessories | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

Paula Chan Jewelry | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

Paula Chan Rhinestone Sandals | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

I have accessorized with a glittery H&M cell phone clutch, beige peau de soie rhinestone sandals and red toenail polish, and my Grandmother’s vintage necklace paired with vintage Bakelite earrings I found to match in a thrift store!

What thrift store treasures have you found? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Ciao! Paula

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Best Photo

At last! I managed to finish ALL the NaBloPoMo posts for May! Woohoo! Not all the posts were done on time on the day they were supposed to go up, but I persevered in doing them all! The best part was creating new photos and going back to some old ones, reinforcing a lifelong love for photography.

I have so many photos taken over so many years, it’s hard to pick just one. This one always stood out for me though, also from the 2006 China trip. I call it “Shanghai Dreaming.” I love the far away look in the young man’s eyes. Is he bored and dreaming of another life? Is he thinking of how he will eventually get away from chauffeuring passengers around in the side car of this motorcycle and on to something better? Or is he just thinking about what he’s going to have for dinner?

Shanghai Dreaming | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

What do you think he’s thinking? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Ciao! Paula

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One of Shanghai’s bustling roads during a non-busy time. This was taken on a trip to China in 2006.

Action | thatwasthenthisiswow.com

What bustling cities have you visited? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Ciao! Paula

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